Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lou's Urban Oasis

So I recently hung my new birdfeeder (thanks, Dad!) on the fire escape outside my window. For the first two weeks there was no action, except that Tom, the stray cat that comes to visit Lou through the screen, took the liberty of spraying it - right in front of my face. He was all, "hey, new birdfeeder? don't mind if I do!"

I thought that would surely kill any possibility of birds, but since then, some have discovered it and apparently told all their friends. I'm pretty psyched! No one could be happier than Louie, though:

i'm still trying to get one with the bird actually ON the feeder, but for now you'll just have to take my word for it.


Elisabeth said...

Please also note the two pots of greek oregano and basil that Molly re-potted from my fire escape garden! She is developing her green thumb.

Dad said...

So glad Lou is enjoying his new TV show. Coming soon...Squirrels!

bhkeuka said...

I love those photos--including the little herbs! Elisabeth, post a photo of your fire escape garden--do you have tomatoes?

Sam said...

Looks a lot like Mol's Urban Oasis as well! Nice job setting up home, Molly. I can't wait to see Lou again!